Przepustnice - Auma On/Off Duty

Electric actuators On/Off duty, mono 230V and 400V AC
Frequency 50 Hz
On/Off duty, S2 service 15 min. (according to IEC 34/VDE 0530 norm)
2 torque limiters and 2 limit switches for each direction
Standard IP 67 version (EN 60529)
Ambiant temperature : -20° to +70°C
Heating resistance
Emergency handwheel with priority to electric power - OPTIONS FOR ON/OFF ACTUATOR :
AUMA MATIC local control open, close, stop + local/remote selector
4-20 mA transmitter
ATEX Version 94/9/CE (please specify ATmosphere classification)
IP68 version - OTHER MOTORS :
Regulation S4 25% actuator
Equipment for actuators